Intermediate French

Taught at: Penn State World Campus
Last taught: Spring 2017

Description: Welcome to French 3 on the Web! This course is designed for students who are native speakers of a language other than French. The focuses of the course are use of real-life language, integration of language and culture, use of film to further linguistic and cultural knowledge, and development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in French. The methodology used is communicative and literacy-based, meaning that in every lesson you will be learning language in order to perform a variety of interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive tasks.

Objectives: At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Read, write, listen, and speak in French at the lower-intermediate level.
  • Build upon a framework for learning a foreign language.
  • Appreciate and explain elements of French culture, including daily practices, prevalent attitudes, worldviews, etc. (i.e. cultural literacy).
  • Describe and compare French-speaking communities both within and outside of France.

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